The Effect of Teaching the Strategy of “Guided Reciprocal Peer Questioning” on Third Graders Female Students’ Critical Thinking in Secondary School

Document Type : Scientific- research



The aim of this study is to determine the effect of teaching the strategy of ”guided reciprocal peer questioning“ on third graders female students’ critical thinking in secondary school. The research is semi-experimental and it has been conducted through forming two groups using pretests and posttests. The Subjects were 60 third graders in secondary school in the city of Khomein. Of whom 30 students formed the experimental group to receive indirect teaching of thinking abilities and the rest formed the control group who received the traditional teaching approach. Subjects were selected by cluster random sampling method. Cornell Critical Thinking Test (CTCT) was used in research and ANCOVA was used to analyze the data. The results revealed that indirect teaching of thinking abilities enhanced the experimental groups’ critical thinking skills.


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