Philosophical Reading of Selected Persian Classic Stories According to Targeted Aims of Philosophy Programs for Children (Kelīlah & Demnah, Būstān, Gulistān, and Mathnavī)

Document Type : Scientific- research



This article aims at the reading and scrutinizing four selected Persian classic stories (Kelīlah & Demnah. Būstān, Gulistān, and Mathnavī) to find out their concordance based on their features and the aims of mentally engaging stories in philosophy program for children. This research has employed content analysis and comparison method. It initially, introduces a chapter on the rich narrative content of Persian literature and analyzes the crucial features of philosophical stories according to principles outlined by the pioneers of such movement (Mitto Lipman, Philip C.A.M Van, Margaret Sharp). The four primary criteria established for philosophical stories are: 1) Philosophical content 2) thinking abilities, 3) analyzability and 4) ending the story. According to these main criteria, about 98 stories were selected which met the needs of philosophy program for children. The results indicate that the content of such stories are concordant with the targets of philosophical stories which at least enjoys a philosophical concept. Moreover, based on other features (thinking abilities, analyzability and ending the story) and according to provided indexes in texts, these stories are reasonably concordant with the targets of philosophical stories.


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