The Effect of Logical Dialogue in the Community of Philosophical Inquiry on Reducing the Symptoms of Psychosomatic Disorders among 11-12-year-old Female Students in the City of Tehran

Document Type : Scientific- research



The present study examines the effect of dialogue based on community of philosophical Inquiry on reducing the symptoms of psychosomatic disorders among 11-12-year-old female students in the city of Tehran. This semi-empirical study was conducted via test and control groups. The sample population of the study consisted of 50, fifth and sixth graders of public primary schools in the city of Tehran who were chosen through random cluster sampling in several steps, among the 19 education districts. The research instrument was Achenbach questionnaire, Youth Self-Report (YSR). Initially, using the questionnaire, all the fifth and sixth graders in two selected schools were screened. 58 of them received a score that was indicative of psychosomatic disorder. From whom 50 were willing to participate in the research, were then randomly divided into two groups being test and control. The test group read and discuss mentally engaging stories, Philip’s number 2 and 3, for 12 one-hour weekly sessions in a community of philosophical inquiry under a trained teacher. After the sessions ended, again Achenbach youth self-report (YSR) was administered to determine the effect of participation in community of philosophical inquiry on psychosomatic disorders for both test and control groups. Results indicated that implementing the plan had significant effect on reducing the symptoms of psychosomatic disorders in the test group.


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