The Effects of Creative and Critical Thinking Skills on Psychological Well-Being of High School Students in Jahrom

Document Type : Scientific- research



The aim of this paper is to study the effects of creative and critical thinking skills on psychological well-being of high school girl students. The data is driven from 30 high school students, selected randomly, who are divided into a control and experimental group, each consists of 15 students. First, both groups responded to Ryffs (1989) Scales of Psychological Well-being, then , the creative and critical thinking skills were taught to the experimental group during 10 sessions of 2 hours (no training was provided to the control group). At the end of the sessions, all the participants were asked to answer Ryffs Test again. The data is then analyzed by the use of t-test and gain score. The results show that the creative and critical thinking skills promote the subjects’ (p≤ 0/001, t=3/78) psychological well-being, which represents a significant growth in all sub-components of psychological well-being (except dominance on the environment) including, positive relationship with others, personal growth, purposefulness, self-acceptance and autonomy.


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