Children’s Rights Components in “Social Education” and “Heavenly Gifts” Textbooks: A Quantitative Content Analysis

Document Type : Scientific- research



The current paper has studied two textbooks of elementary school courses, namely “Social Education” and “Heavenly Gifts”, concerning their degree of compliance to the components of children’s rights. Regarding data analysis, Shannon Entropy method is used for obtaining significance coefficient of each component. According to the data, life right had the highest significance coefficient with 0.138 and the lowest was for the observance of child’s interests with coefficient of zero. Moreover, the study has shown that the most significant coefficient is related to the fourth grade with coefficient 0.153 and the least significant is for the sixth grade with coefficient 0.051. Overall, regarding Dewey’s principles namely, comprehensiveness, continuance, participation and practicality, it could be said that they are not considered in these books.


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