The Effect of Philosophy for Children with Method Community of Inquiry on Moral Judgment and Self-Esteem in Blind Students

Document Type : Scientific- research



The aim of the present research is to study the of effect philosophy for children with community method of inquiry on moral judgment and self-esteem among blind students of 9-11, in 1392-1393 academic year. 28 blind girls and boys, (14 for experimental group and 14 for the control group) were selected s with simple random sampling method. The samples were assessed by Hare self-esteem Scale (HSS) and Moral Judgment Test (MJT) questionnaire. For study hypothesis, experimental (pre-test- post- test) method was used, then we utilized the community of inquiry Lipman, Robert fisher and Philip thinking stories. Data were analyzed by ANCOVA. Findings showed that, philosophy for children with community method of inquiry caused to improved moral judgment (0/002) and self-esteem (0/032) of blind boys and girls.


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