Teachers’ Leadership Style and Students Creativity in Guidance Schools

Document Type : Scientific- research



The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between teacher leadership style and creativity of guidance school students in Marand. The method of this study is descriptive regarding the correlation. The sample population of this study is 341 students selected by using stratified random sampling among 3009 students, using Morgan table. The data is collected using questionnaire of Burdens & Metzcus leadership style (1974) and Abedi creativity questionnaire (1993). The validity of these questionnaires were 0.74 and 0.85, which is acceptable and meaningful. Research findings show that: there is an inverse correlation between Task-oriented leadership style of teacher and students' creativity. There is a correlation between relationship-behavior leadership style and creativity. There is a correlation between fusion leadership style and creativity. There is a significant difference between boys and girls considering their creativity.


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