A Study of the Interaction of Critical Thinking Components and Processes of Making Meaning in Mind In An Iranian Puppet Show

Document Type : Scientific- research



The purpose of this study is to assess the interaction of critical thinking skills of P. Facione and processes of making meaning in mind, based on the conceptual blending theory of J. Fauconnier and M. Turner. The choice of these two models and trying to make a connection between them is to assess critical thinking skills by focusing on cognitive aspects in narrative structure as well as showing the Cognitive and mental complexities hidden in different levels of narration and fictional characters in order to achieve a deeper understanding of hidden layers. This study has been carried out the method of discourse analysis in an Iranian puppet show selected from "Kolah Qermezi Serial". According to the findings of the study by defining some components of the input spaces or creating metaphorical mappings between two or more mental spaces through representing the implicit signs hidden in the narrative plot, critical thinking skills can have a significant role in understanding the integrated structures and processes of making meaning in mind. It should also be noted that the most active critical thinking skill is "interpretation" because decoding significances, clarifying vague concepts and classifying information in special categories for better perception of inner meanings or description of information, often get possible by applying this skill.


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