The effect of the math and reading comprehension strategy) SQRQCQ( and metacognitive strategies on math problem solving in elementary students

Document Type : Scientific- research



The aim of present study was to determine the effect of SQRQCQ and metacognition on math problem performance.The subjects of study were60 grade forth elementary girl students that according to cluster random sampling 40 of them put into group of SQRQCQ and 20 of them put into metacognition group and20 of them were in control group (n=20).The experimental groups in10 session which held for an hour received necessary trainings. The control group also trained with normal method (i.e. the traditional method) and they did not receive any special programs. In this study, we used partially empirical pre- test and post- test with control group design and in this way we performed pre- test and post- test on three groups. Reliability of math questions with Kuder and Richardson 21 coefficients was estimated .76 and reliability were acceptable. For analysis of data we used index of descriptive and inferential statistics (covariance analysis). The finding of this study showed that SQRQCQ and metacognitions for increasing math word problem performance was effective. The researcher concluded that although SQRQCQ showed an immediate benefit in student achievement, comprehension strategies should be explicitly taught in the math classroom.


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