Philosophical adequacy of philosophy for children stories

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Assistant Professor of Philosophy for Children and Adolescents, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Education, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


Three main criteria were presented for the adequacy of the p4c stories: philosophical adequacy, psychological adequacy and literary adequacy. In this paper, the aim was to show that what philosophical adequacy is and by what characters can it be realized from the p4c program founders' point of view? The philosophical adequacy was studied from two aspects in this paper: in form and in content. Raw fictional materials and themes as story content was investigated in the first part of paper and the second part was dealt with the rules that formally make the stories philosophical in the p4c meaning of philosophy. The research methodology is descriptive - analytical. The results of this study indicated that considering some characteristics related these two kinds of adequacy we can make the stories philosophical in p4c meaning. These characteristics include: questionable and controversial philosophical themes and topics related to children's lives and to the philosophical problems in one hand, and reconstruction of Philosophical Inquiry process, simulation modeling some processes such as cognitive processes and modeling logical-philosophical process including inquiry and discovery presses as well as cognitive processes.


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