Multimedia Presentation of Philosophy for Children and Its Effect on Thinking Faculty of Elementary Students

Document Type : Scientific- research



The purpose of this study was to investigate multimedia presentation of philosophy for children and its effect on the thinking faculty of the sixth grade elementary students in Javanroud town. To achieve the research aim, quasi-experimental method using the pre-test and post-test design between experimental and control group was used. The statistical population included all the six grade elementary school students in Javanroud town studying in the school year of 2014-2015. The statistical sample was selected via available sampling. Thus, one school was selected which was equipped with the necessary facilities for Multimedia Teaching and two classes of six grade students in this school were chosen as experimental and control groups. The tool used in this study were researcher made questionnaire, the content and face validity of which were verified by professionals, and the reliability of which was measured through Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha which was 0.82. Both groups were given a pre-test, and at the end of the course a post-test was performed. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics including covariance analysis and Independent t-tests. The findings showed that multimedia presentation of philosophy for children is effective on improving the thinking faculty and its components (problem solving, critical thinking and creative thinking).


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