Preparing, Accrediting, and Ranking the Indexes of Children Philosophy Teachers

Document Type : Scientific- research



This research aimed at preparing, accrediting, and ranking the indexes of children philosophy teachers (CPT) which include personality and professional indexes. To achieve this goal, we have used Delphi method and documentary analytic methods. In the first stage, i.e. the library research, samples include books, magazines, dissertations, and related websites with the subject of teaching philosophy to children. This research also includes interviews with experts of teaching philosophy to children throughout the country in the next stage, i.e. the field research. The tool for collecting data in this research have been taking notes in the library research. It also includes semi-structured interview forms in the field research. To analyze data in the library research, the method of analyzing concepts was used while statistical-descriptive methods (tables, mean, percentage, standard deviation, etc.) and inferential statistics (T-test and Friedman test) were used in the second stage, i.e. the field research. The research findings of the library study include 19 personality indexes and 30 professional indexes for the children philosophy teachers (CPT). In the field research, all experts have confirmed the collected indexes. They believed that among personality indexes,, spiritual dispositions for teaching, liberality, being eager for discussion and doing research and the skill of active listening have priority, while among the professional indexes, dedicating appropriate time for participation of each student, being curious about the meaning of the children's expressions, and being interested in philosophy are of utmost importance. The indexes related to the personality indexes were given higher priority compared to the indexes of professional indexes.


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