Moral Development in Children and Children's Literature: Khanian's Stories from a Moral Point of View

Document Type : Scientific- research



Psychological theories of moral development mainly focus on the following issues: when and how child acquires the moral faculty and how we can improve his/her moral judgments. In the first part of this paper, we will briefly review some of the main psychological theories of moral development. Our main concern is to study the relationship between children's literature and moral development; therefore we try to extract some questions from each theory to evaluate a literary work from a moral point of view. By means of such questions we can analyze a particular literary work and see whether it is possible to use as a material in P4C community of inquiry or not. Moreover, by having such a list of questions we can see which features of moral development are neglected and which ones are dominant in a particular body of literary works. In the second part of the paper, we will consider six stories written by Jamshid Khanian and will evaluate them from a moral point of view using the prepared set of questions. Our analysis shows that Khanian's works are rich and can be used easily as suitable materials in P4C sessions


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