Philosophy for Children: A Step toward Strengthening the Bond between Philosophy and Society

Document Type : Scientific- research



Human-beings are the only creatures that lay claim to thought and getting involved in thinking. Thanks to this potentiality they are bestowed with opportunities to learn as both individual and members of society. One of the domains that has undoubtedly proved its merit in the promotion of human thinking concerns philosophy and philosophical thinking, as philosophy is the art of questioning and questioning is the mainstay of human rationality. Although the presence of philosophy in human existence is nothing new, what has nowadays gained significance, though as a new potentiality is at its very early stage, is an endeavor toward the dissemination of philosophy, especially in teaching it to children; a teaching whose significant outcomes impress the personal life of the child from the very beginning and, at later stages, will all the more be a source of his/her material and spiritual enjoyments. In general, this will eventually culminate in the promotion of the cultural level of the society. In this connection, the writer of this article is trying to explore two main perspectives: the bond and relationship of philosophy with society, and the teaching of philosophy to children. This, I hope, will cast into relief the efficacy of philosophy in solving social problems.


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