A study of the effects of teaching philosophy by using the community of inquiry method on the moral judgment development in fifth grade primary school students of Ahvaz

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of teaching philosophy by using the community of inquiry method on the moral judgment development in students of the fifth grade in primary of Ahvaz. The population of this research was all the students in the fifth grade in Ahvaz, and we chose 120 girl and boy students (60 in experimental group and 60 in witness group) by cluster sampling. For data gathering in this research, the moral judgment test was used (MJT). The data were analyzed via one variable co-variance. The findings show that teaching philosophy by using the (COL) method has a positive effect on the moral judgment development of students of the fifth grade both girls and boys without any significant difference, and equal effect on their moral judgment development. The findings of this study are coherent with research findings in other countries.


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