The development and Formation of the Skills of Critical Thinking in the Iranian Stories Composed for Children and Adolescents

Document Type : Scientific- research



Stories play a vital role in the formation of critical thinking. The aim of this study is to pin down the potentials of ordinary stories in the formation and promotion of critical thinking in children.  The skills under investigation include [the provision for and drawing attention to]:aims, questioning, data and information, evidence, experience, inferences and interrelationships, presuppositions, implications, consequences, ideas, fairness, courage, cooperation, firmness, mental perseverance, confidence in thinking, control of self-centeredness, and abilities for moral judgments. In this study by use of content analysis method and by utilizing Richard Paul’s views as a basis, the skills and features involved in critical thinking were explored in the stories approved and designated by the children’s Books Board for children in the Age Group C, published in the time span of 1342-1385. the findings show that the features of implications and consequences, information, data, evidence, experience, aim, moral reasoning abilities enjoy a better status [i.e. are dealt with more adequately] than others. The weakest features include: presuppositions, faith in thinking, ideas, inferences and interpretations. It should be noted that as far as critical thinking features are concerned the main sustained growth belongs to recent stories published in 1380’s. of course, a limit growth seems to have taken place in 1340’s.

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