Cognitive Linguistics Framework and Analysis of Metaphor in Children and Youngster's Literature

Document Type : Scientific- research



Before the advent of cognitive linguistics, metaphor was thought to be a characteristic of literary language especially poetry, with little relevance to other language features. However, cognitive approaches to metaphor have strongly rejected this traditional view and have suggested that thought and action are structured by metaphors. They suggest that metaphors, affect systems of knowledge and belief pervasively and fundamentally. According to Lakoff, metaphor is primarily conceptual and part of the ordinary system of thought. As he maintains, metaphor is not any particular word or expression but is the ontological mapping across conceptual domains; not just a matter of language, but of thought and reason. Based on Lakoff’s theory of metaphor, the present study attempted to examine 10 story books written by different writers and to observe the kinds and the frequency with which metaphors were employed. The results showed that among the metaphors presented by Lakoff, personification was the one mostly utilized in these books. Also, the study signified that the metaphors were in conformity with the stages of cognitive development suggested by Piaget. Additionally, as the findings of the study revealed, the metaphors used in these books contributed to the understanding of subjective and incomprehensive concepts like trust, royalty, pride, and friendship by children.


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