On the Effective Factors in Developing Creativity among Junior High School Students: Headmasters’ and Teachers’ Viewpoints

Document Type : Scientific- research



Although fostering students' creativity is currently among the most crucial educational goals in developed countries, this issue has received little attention in our country. Thus, the present study attempted to investigate the ways through which creativity could be fostered among junior school students in the sixth district of Tehran. The secondary scope of the study was to explore the approaches that teachers, principals, and experts had realized as beneficial for the development of creativity as an essential part of school curriculum. To this end, the study proposed nine research questions and accordingly nine hypotheses to investigate the relationship between the variables. For gathering the required data, the survey employed a 51-item questionnaire. Teachers, principals, and learning and education experts of the sixth district of Tehran who were selected based on cluster random sampling and Morgan table answered the questionnaire. To analyze the data, the responses were entered to SPSS. The descriptive statistics obtained from the data analysis provided primary explanations on the findings of the study. Furthermore, to support the descriptive findings and generalizing the results to the population, factorial analysis was utilized. The inferential statistics was derived from computation of correlation coefficient, varimax rotation, and data extraction. The findings of the study indicated five crucial factors which could contribute to the development of the students’ creativity: teaching students to become autonomous learners, paying attention to affective factors in education, social independence of the family, boosting self-assessment in students, and family support in giving students independence. 


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