The Relationship Between Wittgenstein’s Analytical Philosophy and Philosophy for Children Program (P4C)

Document Type : Scientific- research



The aim of the present study was to examine the elements of the ideas proposed by Wittgenstein, the analytic philosopher,  in the  second period of his thinking whose concepts had a substantial position in Philosophy for Children Program. Four major elements probed in this study included: language, observing and describing, language games, and meaning. The pragmatist views of the second Wittgenestein toward these elements could be investigated in the structure and framework of a functional program in the field of education. Matthew Lipman and his colleagues who familiarized children with philosophizing and inquiry proposed a quite novel and concrete explanation of these elements. Investigating the characteristics and goals of this design in the framework of the mentioned elements had provided the researchers of the present study with the ability to probe a more actual view among the theoretical foundations and functional fields of Philosophy for Children Program. The Three main questions of the study were addressed through analytic-descriptive method.


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