characteristics and transformations of child discourses in Peyke e DaneshAmooz and Roshd e DaneshAmooz Magazins

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Cultural Studies and Communication, Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Master of Science in Religion and Media, Research Institute for Cultural Studies and Communication, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


This study indicates the characteristics and transformation of the child discourses since the very beginning of the publication of “Roshd-E-Daneshamooz” magazine from January 1965 till 2018 in Iran. Based on Foucauldian conception of disciplinary power and Van Leeuwen’s critical discourse analysis method, this article studies a) characteristics and diversity of the child discourses in the magazine, b) transformation or consistency of child discourses and its causes, and c) the relationship between power and child discourses.  Findings show there exist eight child discourses in the stories published in the second Pahlavi era which are reproduce in Islamic republic as well as seven new ones. Also, each child discourse indicates a binary opposition in child -adult relationship. Critical analysis of the child discourses shows that children are always in the inferior position comparing to adults. Inferior-superior relationship between children and adults intensifies hierarchical relationships in the society. This kind of relationship causes to power imbalance and intensifies the hierarchical relationship in society which can maintain the existing order.


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