Providing a model for assessing the role of mediating the teacher-student communication quality in the relationship between academic self-regulation, school culture and academic eagerness with creative thinking in high school students

Document Type : Scientific- research


Faculty Member of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


The aim of this study was to provide a causal model for assessing the role of intermediary quality of teacher-student communication in educational self-regulatory relationship, school culture, and academic eagerness with creative thinking in students. The method of this research was descriptive-correlation modeling of structural equations. The statistical population of this study includes all secondary school students in the western regions of Tehran during the academic year of 1983-97. The sample size of the research (5910) was calculated using the Krejcie & Morgantable of 361 people. According to Zimmerman & Martinez-pons (1988), the teacher-student relationship quality (QTI), the Alessandro and Sade School of Culture (1997), Pintrich's Educational Eagerness and colleagues (1991) and the Torrance Creative Thinking Test. The tools had a good validity and reliability. In data analysis, the path analysis method was used using Lisrel software to check the causal model between the research variables. The findings showed that academic self-regulation, school culture, and academic passion both directly and indirectly through the quality of teacher-student communication were able to predict creative thinking and the quality of teacher-student communication was able to mediate between self-regulation. Education, school culture and academic passion play a mediating role in creative thinking. The results showed that 41% of the variance in the quality of teacher-student relationship and 89% of the variance in creative thinking were explained in the present research model


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