The Impact of UCMAS Classes on Cognitive Proficiency, Processing Speed and Working Memory of kids

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Assistant Professor in Pschology, Larestan higher Education Complex

2 M.A. in Educational Psychology, Azad University, Bandar Lengeh


The aim of this study was to compare the cognitive proficiency, working memory and processing speed of students participating in UCMAS and non-participant education classes. This study was a descriptive, causal-comparative study that compared the two groups under the education of UCMAS and untrained individuals. The statistical population consisted of all students from the second to sixth grade of Bandar Abbas primary school. Accordingly, 60 male students were trained by UCMAS and 60 people who did not receive any training on UCMAS. Sampling was carried out in a purposeful methods. The research instrument consisted of four subscales of children's Wechsler's intelligence test, including cryptographic test, symbol search, and letter- number sequencing and digit span test. The results showed that the level of cognitive proficiency, working memory and processing speed of UCMAS-educated students is higher than non-educated students. The implicit meaning of the present study is that the participation in UCMAS classes has an impact on the development of cognitive processes, and it would be better to take steps to make this program more comprehensive.


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