The social constructionism approach to childhood, and what it has for philosophy for children program(p4c).

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Phd in Philosophy of Education at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 ,Professor of Philosophy of Education at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,

3 Professor of Philosophy of Education at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,

4 Associate professor of Philosophy of Education at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


This research is concerned with the concept of childhood based on the social constructionism and what it has for philosophy for children program (p4c). The philosophical method was applied. Social constructivism views childhood as a sociocultural construct, and not a natural phenomenon. According to this perspective childhood is intrinsically valuable and children are seen as social agents, experts, and thinkers. The social constructivism considers child's thinking independent of adults and of social nature. The constructed concept of childhood is based on multiple discourses of post-modernism, femanism, post-structionism, post-colonialism, and new socialogy of childhood. The fowlloing are some doctrines of social constructionism of childhood to teach children thinking:  Cultural and social contexts are important in teaching children thinking, Collective thinking is highlighted. In this regard, the emphasis is on interactive relationships, Interactive learning, friendships and children's play games. The role of informal institutions alongside the formal institution of education becomes increasingly important in the development of child thinking.


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