Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Implementing Philosophy for Children Program on Students' Intellectual Skills.

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Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of  Implementing of the Philosophy for Children on Students' Intellectual Skills by using meta-analysis method based on the Hunter and  Schmidt approach. Twenty seven studies which were accepted methodologically were included in the meta-analysis. The checklist of meta-analysis with 1485 participants were used. The results indicated that the effect size of the Implementing of the Philosophy for Children on Students' Intellectual Skills was 0.57 (p < /0001). This effect size was 0.56 for elementary school and 62.6 for secondary school. This effect size for female students was 0 /58 and for male students  was0/45. Performing separate meta-analyzes showed that the effect of this program on the skill of questioning, intelligence, critical thinking and on creativity were 0/74, 0/56, 0.55 and 0/50. Also, the results of modulation analysis showed the effect of moderating variables in these interventions. Based on the results of this meta-analysis, the effect of implementing the philosophy program for children on students' intellectual skills according to Kuhn's table is high.


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