The Surveying and criticizing philosophy for children program from the point of view of Transcendent Philosophy

Document Type : Scientific- research



The general aim of this research is surveying and criticizing philosophy for children program based on philosophical foundations of Transcendent Philosophy. General research question is “What are the philosophical foundations of philosophy for children program” Based on the philosophical foundations of Transcendent Philosophy, which critiques are subject to it? In this study, we have used analytic-deductive research method. The evidences show the similarities and differences between the philosophy for children program and philosophical foundations of Transcendent Philosophy. Based on these evidences, we criticized the program from point of view of Transcendent Philosophy. Yet concerning similarities, with deleting unmatched elements and adding necessary ones as well as reforming it, and concerning its localized version, we can apply it in our country educational system.
The general aim of this research is surveying and criticizing philosophy for children program based on philosophical foundations of Transcendent Philosophy. General research question is “What are the philosophical foundations of philosophy for children program ” Based on the philosophical foundations of Transcendent Philosophy, which critiques are subject to it? In this study, we have used analytic-deductive research method. The evidences show the similarities and differences between the philosophy for children program and philosophical
foundations of Transcendent Philosophy. Based on these evidences, we criticized the
program from point of view of Transcendent Philosophy. Yet concerning similarities,
with deleting unmatched elements and adding necessary ones as well as reforming it, and
concerning its localized version, we can apply it in our country educational system.


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