Cultural Development in Children's Television Programs

Document Type : Scientific- research


 PhD student in Department of Social Communication Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


This paper is considering the children’s television program in term of cultural development and its indicators. In this regards, among the view point of cultural sociologists (Weber, Parsons and Inglehart), an appropriate theoretical framework has been firstly mentioned, and then the cultural development has been explained and defined in terms of selectivity (UNESCO). Afterwards, the current situation has been considered by surveying in children’s TV programs as well as what this media has been shown to the children in terms of content (the indicators of cultural identity, cultural heritage and cultural participation and international cultural cooperation) and structure (clothing, space, imitating sounds, music, poetry, children’s participation and how to transfer the content). Finally, the current situation has been analyzed based on the laws of IRIB and priorities of TV programming in media. The unit of analysis is “program” and the method is to study documents, to analyze the qualitative and quantitative content and the focal interviews. The most important point is that it was possible to survey the different subjects and practical plans because of the coincidence of the programs and several important events during the year such as Ashura, Moharram, Festival, New Year and usual days. According to the statistics, the selected programs have been allocated the high percentage of their audiences, too. The study is declared that the foreign cartoons are shown more in the TV programs and the way of transferring the message is more indirectly. Indicators of cultural development are not inconsistent with the priorities of submitted programming in the programs in view point of UNESCO. These two programs have paid more attention to some issues; so many themes which are required for children have been negligible. However, in regard to having a developed child, you should familiarize him/her with different themes and contents not just in one hand. Therefore, the clear, correct, complete and effective meaning of developing doesn’t give for the children.
The mentioned paper is considered the children’s television program in term of cultural development and its indicators. In this regards, it has been firstly mentioned an appropriate theoretical framework among the view point of cultural sociologists (Weber, Parsons and Inglehart) then has been explained and defined the cultural development in terms of selectivity (UNESCO). Afterwards, it has been considered the current situation by surveying in children’s TV programs as well as what this media has been shown to the children in terms of content (the indicators of cultural identity, cultural heritage and cultural participation and international cultural cooperation) and structure ( clothing, space, imitating sounds, music, poetry, children’s participation and how to transfer the content). Finally, the current situation has been analyzed based on the laws of IRIB and priorities of TV programming in media. The unit of analysis is “program” and the method is to study documents, to analyze the qualitative and quantitative content and the focal interviews. The most important point is that it was possible to survey the different subjects and practical plans due to coincide with several important events during the year such as Ashura, Moharram, Festival, New Year and usual days and according to the statistics, the selected programs has been allocated the high percentage of their audiences ,too. The study is declared that the foreign cartoons are shown more in the TV programs and the way of transferring the message is more indirectly. Indicators of cultural development are not inconsistent with the priorities of submitted programming in the programs in view point of UNESCO. These two programs will be paid more attention to some issues and also many themes which are required for children have been negligible. However, in regard to having a developed child; you should be familiarized him/her to different themes and contents not just in one hand. Therefore, the clear, correct, complete and effective meaning of developing doesn’t give for the children.


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