The Effect of Strategic Teaching of Thinking on Questioning in Male Fifth-Graders in Sanandaj

Document Type : Scientific- research



The present study aims at investigating the effect of strategic teaching of thinking on questioning abilities of fifth graders. It is an experimental research using pre-test, post-test and control group. 80 fifth graders (40 male and 40 female) from primary schools in Sanandaj were selected through random cluster sampling and formed the population of the research. The male and female students were randomly placed in either the control or the experimental group. The students in the experimental group were taught thinking for fifteen sessions of one hour each. The questioning abilities of students in both control and experimental groups were examined and compared with a pre-test and a post-test, using Beck and Jessup’s Multi-dimensional Quest Orientation Scale (MQOS) questionnaire. The data were analyzed by ANCOVA. The results indicate that teaching thinking has a significant effect on the improvement of questioning. Questioning can be enhanced through direct teaching of thinking in the classroom. Students should be encouraged to participate in discussions and class activities in order to learn how to manage challenging situations.


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