The Spirit of Modern Technology and the Place of Thinking in Schools (The Study of Thinking Value in Current Educational Technology)

Document Type : Scientific- research



The present paper seeks to study the place of thinking as well as the impact of modern technology on promotion of thinking at schools. It first briefly reviews a number of well-known theories about modern technology and its effects on people’s lives and attitudes. Then the components of educational technology are briefly discussed and the mentioned theories of modern technology are applied to educational technology to see how educational technology affects different aspects of students’ lives, particularly their process of learning thinking at school. The place and importance of thinking and its promotion at the schools are also discussed. The paper concludes that educational technology does not contribute to the development of thinking abilities and does not pay attention to the students’ thinking when dealing with important issues of their lives. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink current educational technology and this adds to the significance of programs like ‘philosophy for children’.


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