Challenges and Strategies for Teaching Creative Thinking in Yasuj elementary Schools

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran.

2 MA, Teacher at Yasuj Elementary Schools.


The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges and provide solutions for teaching creative thinking in primary schools in Yasuj. The method of the present study was qualitative and phenomenological. In order to collect data, semi-structured interview technique was used considering the theoretical saturation rule. By analyzing the inductive content and scrutinizing the data in different stages of the data analysis process, and extracting meaningful codes, 25 central categories were counted and in the form of two selective codes, the challenges of teaching creative thinking (12 categories) and solutions to teaching creative thinking (13 categories) was categorized. To validate the research, the audit trail and the reviewing by the participants’ methods, and other method such as the study by the research team and the scientific accuracy of the researchers were used. The result of the research indicates that the central categories can have a dual function in such a way that they can both challenge the teaching of creative thinking and by considering the appropriate path, a solution to solve the challenges of teaching creative thinking. From the teachers' point of view, what causes creativity, if not addressed and the needs are not considered by education system, will lead to challenges. paying too much attention to the thirteen solutions, will lead to the flourishing of creative thinking in students.


Main Subjects

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