Study of moral reasoning of students in the second level of elementary school

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 M. A. in History and Philosophy of Education, Educational Science Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Science Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.


The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of moral reasoning in students in the second level of elementary school. To achieve this goal, the mixed research method was used. In the first stage, six schools from both districts 1 and 2 of Hamadan (two public schools and one non-profit school from each district) and one class from each school in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades were randomly selected. The statistical population was all male students of the second level of elementary school in Hamadan in, whose number is 12551 people. The standard questionnaire of MJT ethical judgment was distributed among 395 students and the results were analyzed. Then, according to the results, four people were selected from each educational level. Thus, two of the high scores and two of the low scores of the quantitative test were in each level of education and each of these levels were selected as a group. That is, a total of twelve people were studied in the second stage. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews based on ethical riddles and analyzed by coding and categorization. Findings from quantitative analysis showed that male students in the second level of elementary school in Hamadan had a high level of moral reasoning. Findings from the qualitative section also indicated that the categories "consequential thinking", "emotional relationships", "obedience to the law", "flexibility in the law according to circumstances" and "respect for the rights of others" in the argument Students are effective. "God", "parents", "self", "Quran", "textbook" and "law" were also identified as sources of moral reasoning. Students' moral reasoning is more influenced by family teachings and school has a small role in it, so it is necessary to pay more attention to the development of moral reasoning in curricula, especially in lessons and opportunities. Religious education should emphasize this more.


Main Subjects

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