A reading on Whitehead's "learning circles" in the context of "thinking-oriented teaching and learning" and its requirements in the education system

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PHD student of philosophy of education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Ethics and Education, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor , Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



The purpose of the present study is to explain Whitehead's "learning circles" and its role in "thinking-oriented teaching and learning" which answers two questions: how do whitehead learning circles lead to thinking-oriented learning? What are the requirements of Whitehead's educational theory? First, the critical theory, then the sides of his learning triangle is explained: the first side, "tune and weight", the second side, "stages of mental growth" and "balance of growth" and the third side, role of "freedom and discipline" in three stages of "enthusiasm, accuracy and generalization". At first, enthusiasm creates a ring that connects all the stages, like a vortex, which the domination of "freedom" motivates perception. Secondly, the dominance of "discipline" over "freedom" increases precision and discovery. Finally, conquest of "freedom" over "discipline", the child generalizes what he has learned to life situations. In all stages, the teacher's role to maintain enthusiasm and "freedom and discipline" is the pillars of the theory. These stages overlap and repeating in a spiral process and create a meaningful connection with the previous learning. The requirements of Whitehead's theory include: eliminating stagnant ideas, encouraging teacher's role, appropriateness of the child's mental development with the curriculum, creativity, teacher's moral orientation and courage.


Main Subjects

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