Validation of the model of factors affecting creative activities of students in mathematics course in the secondary school

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran.Iran

3 M.A. Student of Health Education, Tehran University,Tehran,Iran.


This study examines validation of the model of factors affecting creative activities of students in mathematics course in the secondary school through the survey method. The statistical population of this study includes all teachers of the first period of high school in Tehran in the academic year of 2021-2022.Wich were randomly selected by cluster sampling method of 3 education areas(north, center ,south)to collect data. Accordingly, 202 subjects were selected by cluster random sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. Content face validity of the questionnaire was examined by the experts’ opinion and its construct validity was studied by two convergent validity index criterion and divergent validity criterion. The questionnaire reliability was also measured , and was verified. The obtained data was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis method and path analysis by partial least squares method and applying Smartpls-3 software. The value of goodness index of the model fit was 0.62, which indicated the strong overall fit of the model. Therefore, it can be concluded that the studied model has had the acceptable validity; such that, the 5 identified factors ,teacher(personality trait ,expertise and professional ability and teaching method),curriculum and education(objective ,content ,materials) , family (emotional, educational attitude and style) ,inclusive (personality trait, cognitive ability, motivation) ,performance environment (educational ,participation environment) play a key role in the creative activities of students in the mathematics course. 
Keywords :Creative activities ;Math lesson; Validation of the model
Introduction: In today’s world, we are facing many challenges can be solved through fostering creativity and innovation, so that developing creative thinking should be considered as a main goal in education systems. In order to realize it, students should think freely and creatively and instead of storing scientific facts, they should get involved in problem solving and analyzing from different aspects. In the meantime, curriculum planners should pay special attention to the Mathematics course and its creative activites in different levels and grades of education. They should try to prepare students’ creativity to align with scientific developments and technological advances for the future life by including mathematical topics in the curriculum, in addition to paying attention to cultivating mental abilities. Despite the emphasis of the fundamental development document on the scientific strengthening of students in various fields and training efficient and creative human forces, we observe that there is a far distance between us and areas of growth and development of mathematical creativity in students. It is such that after graduating from high school, students do not learn creative learning, skills, and teamwork. Moreover, the intellectual skills of students are not enough to face daily problems. According to the mentioned materials and the importance of creative activities, this research was conducted to validate the model of factors affecting creative activities of students in the mathematics course in the secondary schools.
Research methodology: This study was conducted in the form of a quantitative approach through a survey method. The statistical population of it included 1362 mathematics teachers of the secondary school in Tehran. The sample size was 202 people randomly selected from 3 education regions (north, center, south) using cluster random sampling method. In order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. This questionnaire included indicators, components and factors affecting creative activities of students in Mathematics. The questionnaire was sent to 218 teachers and 202 answered it. In order to calculate the face validity index of the content of the CVI questionnaire, the opinions of 10 experts and professors were also used. In order to examine the construct validity, two methods of evaluating convergent validity with the AVE criterion and divergent validity with the HTMT criterion were used. The AVE amount for all components was higher than 0.5. Desirability of these values indicated that this model has convergent validity. In order to measure the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha, Rho internal reliability and CR combined reliability were used. The calculated values of Cronbach's alpha, the internal and combined reliability for all components were higher than 0.7, which indicate the appropriate reliability of this model. Finally, data was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis by partial least squares method and using SmartPLS-3 software. The value of the goodness of fit index was 0.62 indicated the total and strong value of the model.
Discussion and conclusion: According to the obtained results in this study, 5 factors (teacher, curriculum and training, family, student and environment) were identified as the factors affecting creative activities of students in mathematics. The teacher factor includes teacher’s character, expert and professional abilities and teaching methodology subcategories. Teachers play a key role in motivating and recognizing students' abilities, as well as guiding them to develop mathematical creativity. Curriculum and education factor includes subcategories of goals, content, and educational materials and resources. Curriculum and education play a key role in flourishing creativity and potential talents of students. The family factor includes subcategories of emotional environment, attitude, and parents’ parenting style. Family is one of the important social systems and affective factors on cultivating children’s creativity. The student factor includes subcategories of personality trait, cognitive ability, and motivation. Students are different in terms of creativity, such that they express their creativity in different ways. The environment factor includes educational environment and participation. Today, creativity in educational environments plays a key role in educational planning and quality, such that leads to increasing curiosity and creativity in students. According to these results, it is suggested that instead of focusing on the volume of the learned lessons, teachers provide an opportunity for students in classes and schools to do creative activities in mathematics. This job should reveal those personality traits of students that lead to the development of mathematical creativity.


Main Subjects

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