Three-Dimensional Perception and Its Development in Children Aged 7 to 11

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 M.A. in Industrial Design, Department of Industrial Design, University of Art.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design, University of Art


An understanding of the third dimension is a skill required for many professions in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and arts. Ability of spatial intelligence, representing the three-dimensional visualization of objects, can be developed in childhood. The current practical study aims to investigate how children aged 7 to 11 years old perceive the third dimension of objects and how they can be informed about attributes of an object. The statistical sample consisted of 600 children aged 7 to 11 years old which were randomly selected. The survey questionnaire was used in accordance with children’s understanding. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS Statistical software V22.0. Based on the results obtained (p < 0.05), the children responded correctly to questions on dimensional objects previously encountered in the form of everyday objects and toys. For the subjects, to understand the characterization of an objects seems easier than to understand the dimension of the same object and how it was formed. In the face of any object, they described it in two-dimensional forms. Some designing requirements for devices or environments as to foster children’s third-dimensional understanding are the necessity for touching objects, not using unfamiliar objects as to form an understanding of the third dimension, and designing an educational space so that the child can be inside the objects.


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