Role of Artistic Images in Rational Conflict of Young Adults with Death based on Gilbert Durand’s Model for Structures of Imagination: A Case Study of the Novel “Beyond the Sea of the Dead”

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


The French thinker and philosopher, Gilbert Durand, considers the roots of many human fantasies to be archetypes, the main origin of which is the man’s fear of the passage of time and his attempts to control it. Accordingly, he divides imaginary symbols into two main regimes:  diurnal and nocturnal. The diurnal regime represents the fear of death, while the nocturnal regime is a moderator for this fear. This approach plays a significant role in identifying hidden motives that unconsciously impose themselves on the artist’s mind. For the novel “Beyond the Sea of the Dead” by Masoumeh Mirabutalebi, the main concern is the issue of death and how to present it to the young adult audience. This work attempts to confront the audience with an appropriate face of death by using imaginary pictures. The present article applies a descriptive-analytical method to examine the effect of images provided by the novel on modulating the young audience’s fear of death. The results show that the author has made the most use of the diurnal regime of imaginations, with animal, darkness and falling symbolism are most strongly reflected, respectively. Available contrasts between these images represent death, life, fear of death, and proper confrontation with this fear.


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