Representation of Cognitive Processes in Folktale of “Aunt Beetle Wedding”: A Discourse Analysis-based Research

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 M.A. in Children ̓s and Young Adult Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 . Professor, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Discourse analysis is a research method to study the formation of meaning in linguistic units larger than sentences, which takes into account a metalingual function, in addition to language. Unlike discourse analysis approaches to language, this study focuses on the analysis of cognitive psychology as a metalingual attribute of discourse. In the folktale of “Aunt Beetle Wedding”, the theme of “marriage” confronts each of the characters with cognitive challenges of judgment, decision-making and problem-solving. Hence, the research applies an approach based on cognitive psychology for analysis of the story. The present study aims to reveal some hidden relationships between characters’ words and actions with their own cognitive processes (rather than the reader’s cognitive processes) through the story’s social situations. In this regard using a descriptive-analytical method, this study answers the question: how are dialectical discourses formed between different characters guided/ managed by their hidden cognitive processes? Due to children’s identification with story characters, they unknowingly institutionalizes how to use those cognitions used by the character in their own cognitive network. Therefore, the representation of cognitive processes of story characters is correlated with the representation of cognitive processes of readers. In this regard, the present study concludes that the representation of some tasks that are accompanied by interpretive results in such stories as “Aunt Beetle Marriage” reinforces deepening and expanding of general cognitive processes in children.


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