Identifying and Validating the Theoretical Framework of Research-Based Curriculum and Its Analysis in the Content of Experimental Sciences in the Sixth Grade of Elementary School

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 M.A. Student of Curriculum Planning, Faculty of Education, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Faculty of Education, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying and validating the theoretical framework of the research-based curriculum and analyzing it in the content of the Experimental Sciences textbook in the sixth grade of elementary school. The research was done using a documentary method with the validation of focus groups as well as content analysis. The results showed that the most important dimensions of the research-based curriculum can be grouped in fourteen dimensions: dynamism, knowledge building, teacher research, testability, practice and activity-orientedness, cooperation, questioning, critical thinking, problem-orientedness, self-motivation, evaluation, exploration, discovery, and self-regulated learning. Among these fourteen dimensions, from the perspective of experts, the component of problem-orientedness has the highest and cooperation has the lowest rank. In addition, the degree to which the dimensions of research-based curriculum conform to the content of the Experimental Sciences textbook varies greatly, so that the greatest importance is related to the component of questioning and the least importance is related to the component of self-regulated learning. The results also showed that there is no correspondence between the content of the Experimental Sciences textbook in the sixth grade of elementary school and the dimensions of the research-based curriculum accredited from the perspective of experts. Based on the obtained results, it is suggested that the planners and authors emphasize more on the less addressed components in the future editions of the book of Experimental Sciences and, by holding in-service training workshops, make teachers more familiar with the components identified in this study.


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