Designing a Situated Creativity model based on the Reflective Education approach (Case study: philosophy for children program)

Document Type : Scientific- research


Assistant Professor of Institute of Ethics and Education, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


The purpose of this study was to design a situational creativity model based on the reflective training approach based on data foundation theory. The approach of the present paper is qualitative and to design the situational creativity model, the data foundation method based on the approach of Strauss and Corbin (1998) was used. The statistical population of the present study for the initial interview and identification of valid texts in the field of situational creativity included experts who had a history of training in creativity and writing textbooks in the field of reflective training and creativity. This led to the identification of credible sources of reflective education, the school of pragmatism, and philosophy for children, and texts that could be cited by Joas. Findings showed that "communication and connection, experience as a flow, integration of perception of the world and female society" as an axial phenomenon based on causal conditions Contrasting things, learning is achieved through sustainability, change and reconstruction of the environment and openness of expression, taking into account the beautification of life and social and physical factors (as a model field) and leads to attention to the emotional aspects of education, integrated creativity, strengthening High self-esteem and motivation to participate.


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