Psychonarratology of Humor in Child Stories: A Schematic Approach

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 M.A Student of Children ̓s and Young Adults ̓ Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor, Department of Linguistics and Foreign Languages, Payame Noor University, Tehran , Iran.


"Cognitive humor Studies" deals with the study of those hidden features in the text that influence different degrees of memory expansion, smile or laughter, while affecting how the information is stored, processed, and retrieved. Schemas are cognitive shortcuts for intentional cognition that are merely a set of index features without any details. This study is based on the cognitive definition of "humor" as a funny phenomenon (not as a tool with social mission), in which at first, it classifies in a descriptive-analytic manner, the structure of the subtle-joke narratives as structures based on surprise (based on the sudden change in the reader's mental schema). Then, from the structure of these sub-narratives, it'll come to the grand stylistics of the children's humor texts. The research style is based on two components. One of the components is the narrative schema shifts of the introspective narrative of the text (the main character of the story), and the other one is a reflection of the schema of the extroversion of the text (the reader). Corresponding to these two components, two coordinate devices are used. The two sets show the pattern of shifts in the two narratives of interpolation and extroversion, in terms of time, and, thus, categorize the satirical discourse into two types of "long" and "leap" styles. This research, for the first time, in addition to linguistic humor, categorizes positional satire, and can be the idea of humorists, as well as facilitator of comparative criticism by classifying structures.


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