Designing a teaching model for cultivating philosophical thinking in elementary school

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Affairs, Islamic Azad University, Shahinshahr, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Law, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Iran


The present study was conducted to provide a teaching model for the development of philosophical thinking in elementary school students. This research has tried to answer three main questions by using documentary method and qualitative research with deductive approach and descriptive-inferential method. The first question in order to explain the theoretical foundations of this type of curriculum and the next question seeks to provide subcategories of the basic elements of the philosophical thinking program including educational objectives, educational content, learning teaching process and evaluation method that these subcategories rely on two curriculum models Tyler and teaching philosophy to methyolipman children have been developed and information has been collected using a semi-structured cube mesh. Then, based on a qualitative theoretical research, a model for cultivating philosophical thinking has been presented. The purpose of this model is to cultivate a variety of thinking skills and to promote philosophical skills. The results of this study show that by accurately implementing the model, it is possible to cultivate citizens with the powers of rational thinking, critical thinking and all kinds of thinking with the pure powers of values ​​from counter-values ​​in a convincing way. Understanding why and how problems are among the main results of fostering philosophical thinking among students covered by the project.


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