Designing and Validating a Philosophy for Children Curriculum Model for Junior high schools (grades 7 through 9) in Iran

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 PhD student of curriculum at Kharazmi University, Tahran

2 Assistant Professor of curriculum at Kharazmi University, Tahran.

3 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education at Kharazmi University, Tahran.

4 Associate Professor of curriculum at Kharazmi University, Tahran


The main purpose of this study is to explain a model of philosophy for children curriculum for junior high schools (grades 7 through 9) in Iran. The research approach is exploratory mixed type. At first, after reviewing the theoretical foundations in the field of P4C and purposeful sampling, the opinions of 19 curriculum experts and P4C specialists were collected through semi-structured interviews and then thematic structures were obtained by theme analysis method. In the quantitative step, the Delphi method was used. To determine the degree of consensus among experts, Kendall coordination coefficient and to evaluate the content validity of the questionnaire, relative content validity coefficient (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) and to assess the reliability, Cronbach's alpha was used. Based on the research results, 135 components of the P4C curriculum for the first year of high school in Iran were identified and a conceptual model was designed in the form of ten Akker elements. In the form of 10 dimensions, logic or reasoning (26 indicators), goals (39 indicators), content features (8 indicators), content forms (7 indicators), teaching-learning methods (13 indicators), facilitator features (12 indicators) The characteristics of the learning environment (4 indicators), evaluation (19 indicators), grouping (3 indicators) and time (4 indicators) were prioritized.


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