The Role of Epistemological Beliefs and Academic Self-efficacy in Predicting Academic Engagement in Students

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Assistant Professor at Educational Sciences department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.

2 M.A in Educational Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


This study aimed to predict of academic engagement based on epistemological beliefs and academic self-efficacy in male students of secondary schools in Gheydar city. This study was descriptive and correlational type that statistical population included all male students in secondary Schools in Gheydar city that 250 students were selected by cluster random sampling. To collecting of data were used Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire (Schommer, 1998), Academic Self-efficacy Questionnaire (Jinks & Morgan, 1999), and Academic Engagement Questionnaire (Pintrich & De Groot, 1991). To analyzing of data, were used from Pearson correlation and multivariate regression by SPSS-26. The results of Pearson correlation showed that epistemological beliefs and academic self-efficacy have significant relationship with academic engagement (p<0/05). The results of multivariate regression showed that epistemological beliefs were able to predict of academic engagement. Also, academic self-efficacy was able to predict of academic engagement in students of secondary schools in Gheydar city. The results indicate that the students that have higher academic self-efficacy and epistemological beliefs are more in academic engagement and probably they are more successful in academic performance. 


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