Qualitative study of the challenges of children,s play in apartment life

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Master of Counseling, Refah University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Counseling, Refah University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to explain the barriers for  playing by primary school children in apartment life and Provide strategies to reduce barriers.  For this purpose, in the form of a qualitative plan and with phenomenology approach, we proceeded to the stage of selective coding   and among the mothers of primary school children living in the apartment, 36 people were selected using purposive sampling and interviews were used to collect data. During the analysis of the findings, the Colaizzi method was used. Analysis of participants' experiences led to the identification of 4 main category and 14 sub-categories in the field of barriers for school children to play in apartment life and 5 main categories and 20 sub-categories in the strategies section to overcome these obstacles. Analysis of mothers' experiences showed that creativity has played an important role in strategies and removing barriers and The family, especially the parents, play the most important role in smoothing the conditions for children to play creatively in the apartment. This in itself leads to increased children's creativity. Using these findings, family education sessions can be hold to provide practical strategies for removing effective barriers to children's play in apartment living


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