A Reflection the Philosophical Aspects of Reading and Writing in the “Philosophy for Children” Program with a Focus on Suki and Pixie and their Guidebook

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 PhD student of philosophy of education at Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education at Kharazmi University, Tahran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education at Kharazmi University, Tahran, Iran.


The current study aimed to investigate the philosophical aspects of reading and writing in the “Philosophy for Children” program according to the Suki and Pixie novels and their guidebooks. A descriptive-analytical methodology was applied to answer what are the philosophical aspects of reading and writing in the “Philosophy for Children” program according to the two novels, and what skills can be implemented to enhance those aspects. The findings showed that the philosophical aspects of reading and writing include philosophizing, the role of dialogues in reading and writing, reading as an argument, critical reading, the relationship between art and experience, meaning, aesthetic relationships, attention, experience, preferences, and veracity. These aspects can be strengthened by such skills as providing reasons, dialogues, argumentations, the recognition of parts and wholes, general concepts, discovering vague areas and gaps, definitions, connecting, developing concepts clearly, stating experiences, and distinguishing. The findings showed that a mutual relationship[1] exists between reading and argumentation, and this can lead to the enhancement and development of high-level thoughts.



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