The Effect of augmented reality and augmented reality technology on creative thinking and students' learning motivation

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 associate professor, Department of Educational sciences, BandarGaz branch, Islamic Azad University, BandarGaz ,Iran

2 assistant professor, Department of Educational sciences, BandarGaz branch, Islamic Azad University, BandarGaz ,Iran.


The purpose of this study was the effect of augmented reality and augmented reality technology teaching on creative thinking and learning motivation of female high school students in Bandar-e-Turkmen city. The statistical population of the study consists of female high school students in Bandar-e-Turkmen city in the 2020 academic year. From the statistical population, 60 students were selected by available sampling method and were completely randomly divided into two groups: 30 in the experimental group and 30 in the control group. Data collection tools included the standard Welch (2002) Creative Thinking Questionnaire and Kashif et al.'s (2013) Learning Motivation Questionnaire. The intervention tools also included teaching through augmented reality technology and a combination of 8 sessions of 60 minutes that were used for experimental science, work and technology courses (junior high school). Data were analyzed by analysis of covariance using SPSS software. Findings showed: Augmented and augmented reality technology education on learning motivation and its components including learning facilities, family support and participation, peer influence, students' personality and creative thinking of first year female high school students in Bandar-e-Turkmen city It is positive and meaningful.


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