The effectiveness of storytelling targeted by the value of life (responsibility - Respect) and moral judgment schoolchildren

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Master of psychology, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht. Iran.

2 Assistant of Psychology, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht. Iran.


Storytelling is considered as a tool for transmitting ethical and behavioral messages in different societies. The purpose of this study was to teach storytelling in a targeted way on the values ​​of life (Responsibility-Respect) and moral judgment of primary school children. The present study was a semi-experimental method. The statistical population in this study was all school female elementary school students in the academic year of 1396, and the sample consisted of 30 people (15 subjects, 15 subjects), which was selected using available sampling method And at the same time, the scale of accountability, respect (Aren et al. 1993), and the moral judgment of Lennick and Kiel (2005) were applied to the two groups. Then, based on the educational program, eight sessions were trained and the control group was not trained. After the sessions were completed, the questionnaires were again run for the same groups in the same situation to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Covariance analysis and SPSS software were used for data analysis. The results showed that according to the hypothesis of teaching storytelling, it was effective on the values ​​of life (responsiveness-respect) and moral judgment (P <0.001). From this we can use storytelling as an indirect educational method appropriate to the world of childhood, with preset methods, according to a special and purposeful moral teaching.


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