A Review of Effectiveness of Instruction of Philosophy on training of reasoning and creativity of Students (Among Girl middle School Students in the city of Ilam)

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 psychology & education departement, Bakhtar university of Ilam

2 M.A student of clinical psychology at Azad university. Ilam. Iran.

3 M.A student of Educational research at Tehran university. Tehran. Iran.

4 psychology & education departement. Bakhtar university of ilam


The present study aims was investigate the impact of instruction Philosophy on reasoning and creativity of Girl middle School Students. Research method was Quasi-xperimental with pre-test and post-test schemes and a control group. The statistical population was all female students in middle schools of Ilam city in 2021-2022, (4850 person). The statistical sample is 40 female students based on G.power software which have been selected using the multi-stage cluster random sampling method, among two area of Ilam, one area selected then, among middle school selected one school then, were randomly distributed into one test group (20 person) and one control group (20 person). The teaching process for the experimental group was implemented during 9 one-hour sessions with philipCam stories; however, the control group continued with no additional training sessions. The research instruments were Abedi creativity Questionnaire and Thamson reasoning Questionnaire. multivariate analysis of covariance and t.test was used to analyze the data. The obtained results indicate that teaching philosophy increase their reasoning and creativity. Instruction of Philosophy increase information processing among students and increase their concentration on different dimensions of problems, therefore to be able to increasing reasoning and creativity among students.


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