A Comparison of Children’s Criteria for Book Selection Based on Children’s Most Read Books, Children’s Opinions, and Educators of Intellectual Development Center

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Zahedan, Iran.


Children’s literature is formed according to the needs of its audience. The author writing for children must know the characteristics, needs and interests of the audience. This information is achieved through studying about children, examining children’s favorite books, and surveying of children and those dealing with them. The present study aims to investigate the most read children’s books and to survey children and their educators in order to find the characteristics of the desirable book from the children’s viewpoint; and at the end, a comparison is made between these views and features of the books. In the first stage, the most read works of the Intellectual Development Center during 2006-2016 were extracted through the field method and attendance in the libraries of the center, and the works were analyzed using the content analysis method. In the second stage, two researcher-made questionnaires for 6-12-year-old children and a questionnaire for children’s educators were administered. After receiving the answers, a comparison was made between the views of children and their educators. Based on the answers obtained from the children’s questionnaire, it is concluded that children want to learn and enjoy their books while making a mental effort to understand the language of the books. In fact, improving the quality of children’s books based on their needs and interests is one of the most important ways to promote book reading and to make children interested in reading.  


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