Designing an educational package based on overlooked skills of verbal intelligence and determining its effectiveness on Wechsler intelligence test

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 Undergraduate student of elementary education, Department of Educational Sciences, Shahid Ayat CFU University, Najafabad, iran

2 PhD in Curriculum Planning, Department of Educational Sciences, Shahid Ayat CFU University, Najafabad, Iran


The aim of this study was to design an educational package based on overlooked verbal intelligence skills in Persian textbooks for the second grade of elementary school and to determine its effectiveness on Wechsler intelligence subscales. In this research, the mixed research method (qualitative of phenomenological type and quantitative of experimental type) was used. In the qualitative section, using semi-structured interviews to theoretical saturation and thematic analysis, overlooked verbal intelligence skills were identified with 3 global themes. The validity of the themes was determined by the audit method and Scott's formula. The educational package was developed based on overlooked skills in 15 sessions and its validity was confirmed through content validity. In the quantitative section, the educational package was performed on 30 male students of the second grade of elementary school in Fraidan city (using multi-stage cluster sampling and random arrangement in two groups). The research instruments included vocabulary subscale, visual concepts and numerical memory of Wechsler (IV) children's intelligence test. Data were analyzed by multivariate covariance and SPSS software. The results showed the effectiveness of the educational package on increasing the scores of the relevant scales


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