An Analysis of Architectural Spaces in Computer Games Based on Emotional Stimulation

Document Type : Scientific- research


1 MA Student of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Shahr-e Qods Branch, Tehran, Iran.


An analysis of the characteristics of spaces designed for computer games can help identify and control their different impacts on the world of children. In this regard, emotional violent games are highly critical which, considering the setting they make, can get the individual move out of the real-time world and transfer into an unknown world that considerably involves his senses. The present study aims to identify the stimulating factors in common children and teenagers’ games by briefly examining the most popular games among this age group, and to analyze the components of those games using a phenomenological method and from an architectural and space perspective. Using the components extracted, the study also investigates the computer games in terms of intensity of excitements and sensory involvement. The findings show that computer games usually engage the visual and auditory senses of the user and communicate with him; but in addition to that, the structural setting of the gaming space which causes such problems as hiding in semi-transparent or semi-visible spaces may affect the excitement and stress of the game and involve the user’s sense of place in the gaming space, thus making him engage in the game challenges, for the fear of being seen, in exploring and understanding the environment. 


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