A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Philosophy for Children Program on the Developmental Dimensions (Cognitive, Social, Emotional and Moral) of Children and Adolescents in Iran


1 PhD Student of Educational Psychology, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran.


The aim of this study was to meta-analyze the effect of philosophy for children program on the developmental dimensions) cognitive, social, emotional and moral) of children and adolescents in Iran. The meta-analysis method and Hedges G effect size index were used as a common scale in this study. In the target statistical population, 119 studies were identified and based on the exclusion criteria, 48 studies were excluded and a total of 71 studies with 237 effect sizes were included in the meta-analysis. Findings showed that the size of the total combined effect (0.877) is evaluated as desired according to the Hattie’s and as large according to Cohen’s criteria. Also, examining the role of moderating variables showed desired effectiveness results on each of the cognitive, social, emotional and moral outcomes, and on gender groups of mixed gender, boys, and girls, but the difference between them was not significant. On the other hand, the age of the subjects with a coefficient of 0.033 significantly (P < 0.001) predicts the amount of effect size. Considering the high effectiveness of the philosophy for children program on the developmental dimensions of children and adolescents in general, and on cognitive, social, emotional and moral outcomes in gender groups, it is suggested that this program be included in formal and informal education for children and adolescents, following its basic principles and foundations.


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